Parents’ Association

The Committee
Chairperson: Marie Browne
Vice Chairperson: Ciara Mulpeter
Secretary: Elaine Black
Assistant Secretary: Mikki Redding
Treasurer: Kayleigh O’Shea
Assistant Treasurer: Malwina Olach
PRO: Niamh Gonnelly
Email: parentsassociationctbns@gmail.com
The purpose of the Parents’ Association of Scoil an Chroí Ró Naofa is to provide a structure through which all parents and legal guardians of children attending Scoil an Chroí Ró Naofa can work together for the best possible education, school resources, extra-curricular activities and school environment for their children. The Parents’ Association shall work with the students, principal, teachers, staff and Board of Management to build a secure and effective partnership between home and school.
The Parent Association of Scoil an Chroí Ró Naofa is the body through which all parents in a school can work together for the provision of the best possible education for their children. The Association aims to works with the principal, teachers, staff and the Board of Management to support and build an ongoing solid partnership between home and school through its monthly meetings. The Parent Associations can suggest and/or organise extra-curricular activities, events and resources for the children of Scoil an Chroí Ró Naofa in consultation with the principal but shall not be involved in matters relating to internal administration, curriculum planning, teaching, school development or structure.
Aims of the Association
The aim of the Parents’ Association Scoil an Chroí Ró Naofa
is to enable parents to play their part in ensuring the best possible education, general welfare and social interests of all children within the school
to assist in promoting and furthering the objectives and ethos of the school
to provide a forum to inform and consult parents regarding school matters, plans and activities when and where applicable.
to communicate parents’ views and ideas
to promote good relations, understanding and co-operation between parents, teachers and staff and the Board of Management
to encourage parents to take an active interest in the school and school events
to be affiliated with and work together with national and/or regional bodies and organisations
to fundraise and secure funds to enable all children within the school, regardless of family, financial or religious situation, have a fulfilling and enriched education, through curricular and extra-curricular activities at Scoil an Chroí Ró Naofa.
The Parents’ Association shall, as a result, promote the interests of all children in the school in co-operation with the Board of Management, principal, teachers, staff and students, in accordance with the Education Act 1998.